Welcome to the Faust School Database Trials. Please click the links below to access the trials.
Login: belsnj@belsnj.org Password: gjqwvrj
Career Internet Database
Login: allow Password: time
Gale-Cengage Databases
(no login)
Biography in Context
Includes 600,000 biographies and brings users face to face with historical figures and today’s most studied newsmakers via videos, audios and images.
Kids InfoBits
Kids InfoBits features an engaging, graphical interface and authoritative content that today’s young learners will gravitate to and use on daily basis
Literature Criticism Online
The most extensive compilation of full-text literary criticism available.
Literature Resource Center with Scribner + Twayne’s + MLA
Combines Literature Resource Center with the MLA International Bibliography and Twayne’s Authors and Scribner Writers.
A rich collection of more than 150,000 literary texts in a number of genres and forms.
National Geographic Kids
Fuel young students’ natural curiosity and broaden their horizons with National Geographic Kids on Gale’s National Geographic Virtual Library platform
Opposing Viewpoints in Context
Opposing Viewpoints In Context is the premier online resource covering the hottest social issues, from Terrorism to Endangered Species to Gun Control.
Smithsonian Collections Online
Look behind the glass of the world’s largest museum and research complex with content that was previously only available onsite at the Smithsonian.
Student Resources in Context
From the media-rich homepage to the intuitive navigation, Student Resources In Context helps students develop research and critical-thinking skills.
The Shakespeare Collection: Featuring The Arden Shakespeare Complete Works
The most comprehensive and authoritative Shakespeare resource available.
U.S. History in Context
Comprehensive, contextual and dynamic, U.S. History in Context provides a full overview of U.S. history covering the most-studied events and issues.
Login: s8692369trial Password: 790iusrh6b
Common Core Package Includes:
Biography Reference Center
Biography Reference Bank
Health Source: Consumer Edition
History Reference Center
NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList Plus
Professional Development Collection
Science Reference Center
For further info about Novelist
Infobase Learning
Login: 667476-user Password: Digital
For informational fliers:
African-American History Online
American Indian History Online
Ancient and Medieval History Online
Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center
World Geography and Culture Online
The World Almanac for Kids Online
Issues & Controversies in American History
Classroom Video on Demand: Career and Tech
Login: belsnj@belsnj.org password: teatime16
(no login)
For More Information:
Rosen – PowerKnowledge Science
Login: faust Password: school
Rosen – Core Concepts Science
Login: faust Password: school
World Book Online
Login: americassl password: chocolate (in March use password “peppermint”)