Thursday, March 23rd 1-3pm at the New Milford Public Library.

BELS Consortium Council Meeting

  • Call to Order
  • President’s Report
  • Committee Time
  • Consortium Coordinator’s Report
      1. Invoicing Schedule
  • Old Business
      1. Staying relevant- Info Lit in current events
      2. Book club
  • New Business
      1. BELS Scholarship
      2. Inventorying protocol and scanners
      3. eBook promotion and eBook expansion
      4. Memberships to NJASL etc
      5. Database Stat sharing
      6. Litcharts demo
      7. Digital Citizenship Course
      8. Update from ILL Delivery Task Force
      9. As time allows- best practices or Destiny troubleshooting
  • Adjournment



200 Dahlia Dr. New Milford NJ 07646

Check-In Attendees
Meeting 3